
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

When To Refinance A Mortgage?

Refinancing your mortgage is a very good move that you can do but there are also different possible problems that need to be understood in order to gain something out of the move. In learning how to refinance you mortgage you will need patience and time to analyze different factors that are a part of mortgage refinance.

Most people will undergo this option in order to gain profits from lower interest rates seen on the market and reducing monthly payments. Refinancing a mortgage actually means paying off your old mortgage and signing a new loan attached to a new mortgage. The biggest problem you might face when learning how to refinance your mortgage stands in understanding the difference between the interest rate you are paying now and the current interest rates you can find on the market. As a general rule of thumb, people should consider refinancing their mortgage when the interest rates are lower by at least 2% when compared to what they are paying at the moment. On the other hand, there are other factors besides current interests that you need to analyze.

For starters, we have tax deductions or/and obligations. When taking in a lower mortgage interest rate you will also pay less interest every single year. This means that you will have less interest to deduct from your income when thinking about taxes. Your income tax liability will rise and must be covered from the financial benefits you gain from the refinance process of your mortgage. You must also think about the fact that some refinancing costs are also tax deductible during the year when it takes place. In order to properly know the tax system that is applied you need to ask for specific information from your local IRS office.

Another important aspect to understand when thinking about how to refinance your mortgage stands in the living expectancy you have for the home in question. If you plan to live there for 3 years or less you might end up not having enough time to cover the costs of refinancing. As an example, let us take the case in which refinancing your mortgage will end up saving you $60 per month. On the other hand you have the closing costs to deal with that sum up to $5000. This means you will need 7 full years to cover your expenses.

The last thing you need to understand when thinking about how to refinance your mortgage is whether you should stick with your current mortgage broker or switch. In most cases there will be a possibility to re-negotiate the current mortgage with your current broker after paying a set fee. Technically speaking this is not mortgage refinance but the process is very similar. If you do not have the possibility to re-negotiate or if the terms do not suit you, there is always a chance you will find something better from a different mortgage broker. Analyze the market and look at different offers while being attentive to not fall in a mortgage refinancing scam.

The good news is that by carefully reading the contract you are about to sign you will be able to make the best decision possible if you also do the math. It is not easy to refinance your mortgage and there is always the risk that you will make a mistake and end up having to pay more than before on the long run. Although this is possible, it can be avoided easily just by paying attention and not rushing the process. This is the biggest, most important factor you will need to understand in learning how to refinance your mortgage.